Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Subject: Long Break
So clearly I haven't posted in a while (AP Exams and dealing with my inability to be productive for my final term of high school.) But a lot has gone on in the past couple of weeks.
For starters my friends India, Sarah and Annie attended Massachusetts youth pride last Saturday the 8th. (Unfortunately I did not go because I'm allegrgic to rain... and hypothermia.) Which I will have more info about later.
The date for Gay pride this year has been announced too. It will actually be a week! June 4th to the 10th. Various activities will be had each day. (More info to come.)
In the world I live in (Gloucester High School) the civil liberties officer (my director) has been updating teachers and have them stop any negative connotation of "gay" in classroom settings. Which is a big plus in my book. (Refer to "Is it Really so Gay?" post.)
So that catches me up so far.
Be on the lookout for posts!


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I'm your average red-headed-step-middle-child form the infamous Gloucester Massachusetts.


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