Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Subject: Long Break
So clearly I haven't posted in a while (AP Exams and dealing with my inability to be productive for my final term of high school.) But a lot has gone on in the past couple of weeks.
For starters my friends India, Sarah and Annie attended Massachusetts youth pride last Saturday the 8th. (Unfortunately I did not go because I'm allegrgic to rain... and hypothermia.) Which I will have more info about later.
The date for Gay pride this year has been announced too. It will actually be a week! June 4th to the 10th. Various activities will be had each day. (More info to come.)
In the world I live in (Gloucester High School) the civil liberties officer (my director) has been updating teachers and have them stop any negative connotation of "gay" in classroom settings. Which is a big plus in my book. (Refer to "Is it Really so Gay?" post.)
So that catches me up so far.
Be on the lookout for posts!

Friday, April 16, 2010
Subject: A Day of Silence
I hope everyone is enjoying their day as I am. Being the day before my vacation is a great thing. But today is also the national Day Of Silence for LGBTs all over the schools of the US. It is a day where supporters of LGBT vow to be silent from 7:15 until 2:30 in hopes people will ask why and they can be educated in the matter.
I have been asked at least 5 times already and it is only 9:30. So if you see this please follow the link and try it out for the time that is left. :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Subject: No clubs just to descriminate?
Religious Tolerance
First of all the name of the site is terrible. But that is beside the point.
If you read these excerpts you can see even public schools who are supposed to be completely unbiased are in fact breaking these rules. The fact that people would cancel all extracurricular clubs just so a GLBT meeting could not congregate is just ridiculous.
The Equal Access Law which you may or may not know about creates equal opportunities for students to create unbiased clubs within schools. This includes GSA's and Bible Study groups. As a chance for everyone to have equality among peers in school and to have diversity so students may find where they are and/or who they are. By denying students the right to these clubs they not only affected the GSA they affected every club with open expression.
It really kills me to know that a school board who is supposed to open up an education to students would put such a limitation to there areas of learning. Also creating some more problems for kids who may already be upset with themselves because of our countries gay bashing.

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Subject: Is it really so gay?
Me and a few of my friends have a problem when people refer to things or people as gay. It would be different if they were using it in the correct way but it's become a negative term meaning stupid, incorrect and a plethora of things relating to some idiocy .
That's the problem now a days. Everyone has made being gay a bad thing. As if it isn't supposed to exist. Hearing kids in my high school say "That's so gay" makes me angry, so angry in fact that I ask them if it is truly homosexual. They usually don't answer and walk away snickering something along the lines of "What a homo". Another phrase that pushes my buttons.
The fact that people who could be decent human beings use the word in a negative connotation just show their immaturity and feelings toward anyone who is gay.
The terms "That's so gay", "What a homo", etc. are misused and are offensive to homosexuals and people close to them. So as a request just stop saying. Increase your vocabulary and stop sounding like a child.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Subject: PRIDE Boston
EDGE Boston

Gay Pride happens all over the country at different times of the year. It is a giant party celebrating the gay communtity, male and females alike. I have never been but my friend Sarah is determined to take me this year. So At some point I'll post some pictures and a post to it but here's some info.

Friday, March 5, 2010
Subject: Interview with Sarah and Christine
The other day I was assigned a project in my journalism class and I chose my theme as The Perception of Gays, Bisexuals and Lesbians in High School. So as a start I interview my friend Sarah (resident lesbian of the Theater Program) and my friend Christine (Freshman and Christian). Here's what I got:

Me: So Sarah how has being gay affected you in the high school?

Sarah: Well at first I cared what people thought and it was tough but as I went on I realized that it only matters what I think of myself. The people here look down on gays because they aren't normal. Overall we're still the same people we just have different interests.

Me: Christine, how has becoming friends with a lesbian affected your outlook of the gay people?

Christine: Well before high school no one really had gay friends. Not to be mean but just nobody came out. But I got to high school and there are few people now. I met Sarah in the Theater Program and we hit it off. She's really cool and one of my best friends.

As the blog continues I'll have more interviews so look out for them.

Thursday, March 4, 2010
Subject: The Start of this Blog
This blog was made to differentiate fact from myth. As I go along for the rest of my senior year I'm going to post about gay rights and pride. As some of my best friends are gay I'd like to try and alter people's opinions of the gay community.
So please take the time to read posts or go to links I post.
I may also stray from the subject once and a while but hey, it's a blog.

About Me

I'm your average red-headed-step-middle-child form the infamous Gloucester Massachusetts.


March 2010 l April 2010 l May 2010 l



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